help!i need to do essay assignment

2007-03-15 5:13 pm
i want to ask how globalization and advanced technology affect Human resources????
also,what are their characteristics and impact on organization????thank you so much!!!

回答 (1)

2007-03-16 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Globalisation cause the disappear of discrimiation of labour cost in different countries. The labour cost in different countries may go to the same price. It cause the development of economic in developing countries. The advanced technology cause the growth of knowledge economic and the labour need to be equiped with knowledge or creativity. It is one of the way of economic growth in developed countries.

In globalisation, the organisation may make use of the absolute advantage (such as the low labour cost in China) in different countries to produce their products. For the advanced technology, the organisation may hire more technologies instead of labour in order to provide products or services. It is the method to meet the cost leadership strategy.

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