如果我要話"請你細力啲洗士多啤梨, 如果唔係會壞嫁!!!!" and..........

2007-03-15 8:19 am
"請你細力啲洗士多啤梨, 如果唔係會壞嫁!!!!"

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"請你細力啲洗士多啤梨, 如果唔係會壞嫁!!!!"
Please wash the strawberries gently, otherwise they will be ruined!
You have to rub the soup container harder to wash it clean!
參考: me
2007-03-15 8:54 am
please don't rub the strawberries so hard when washing as they'll be damaged.
rub harder when washing the soup bowl or else it won't be clean enough.

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