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韋伯 指 馬克斯·韋伯(Max Weber)
馬克思 指 卡爾·亨利希·馬克思(Karl Heinrich Marx)
唯物主義 (Materialism)
Weber was deeply influenced by what Marx thought, he strongly critized the viewpoint of Marx, for example he opposed historic materialism of Marx, also did not think the class struggle was the motive that pushes the history forward.Weber also admitted the importance of the economic factor, but different from Marx, Weber thought, the human consciousness was not only the reaction that the passive society exists, also not exerting no influence to the social changes, the human consciousness could also create functions to the society and the social changes, its influence would not be based on economic factor. Weber did not believe existence outside or independent to individual structure, Weber stated, it is possible to investigate the person's consciousness through the person's action, as individuals has formation of complicated relation between ability, freedom and action, so, sociology need to pay attention to human social behavior and the meaning behind action, not social structure.