LCCI Trading and profit and loss A/C 問題

2007-03-15 6:18 am
Creditor , debtors 點分, (即係屬邊一類trading a/c , profit & loss a/c,orblance sheet)
兩者在Trading and profit and loss A/C 辰應放在哪一邊 ?

有d題目又只是俾個名. 如lorry $680 , 其實又係屬邊一類..

pls help

讀LCCI 本ACCOUNT 書係唔係一定要BUY, 同埋書中會唔會有詳盡GE SOLUTION GA, 有咩野書可以參考~~ THX

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Creditors債權人是指自己欠人家的,是current liabilities其中一種,debtors債務人是指人家欠自己的,是current assets其中一種。
Creditors和debtors會在trial balance和balance sheet出現,如無處理壞帳(bad debts)的需要,不會在trading a/c , profit & loss a/c出現。
如以上所指,Lorry $680 多數是fixed assets。
讀LCCI 本書不是必買的,看筆記溫習也是可以的。
2007-03-17 9:37 am
creditor & debtor different is depends on the which side. For example, I was bought a table & payment terms is credit 30 days. We shall DR. F&F (tables) account and CR. creditor. When I payment, will DR. the creditor & CR. the bank account. In the debtors is converse case.

creditor is put on right hand side in P/L, debtor is put on left hand side.

lorry $680 means the value of lorry is $680, we will put $680 in left hand side in P/L & credit the bank or creditor accont in right hand side.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:31:17
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