
2007-03-15 5:53 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 11:23 am
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There are two kinds of fish balls in Hong Kong. One is smaller in size, yellow in colour, usually made with cheaper shark meat, and is sold in "strings" (串), each "string" containing five to seven fish balls "strung" on a bamboo skewer. Usually sold at food stalls, each skewer costs between five to seven Hong Kong dollars, depending on the area where it is sold. There are many stalls which support themselves just by selling this kind of fish ball, similar to hot dog stands in the United States. The fish balls can be either spicy (often called curry fish ball, though it is doubtful whether curry is used to make the spicy sauce) or not, at the same price. It is often eaten with steamed rice roll (豬腸粉), another common Hong Kong food. It is one of the most popular and representative "street foods" (街頭熟食) of Hong Kong.

The other kind is bigger in size, white in colour, made with more costly fish meat, and has a considerably different texture and taste. This kind of fish ball is usually eaten with noodles at restaurants providing Chiuchow-style noodle , and at some cha chaan tengs (lit. tea restaurant), which also provide beef ball (牛丸) and cuttlefish ball (墨魚丸). A bowl of noodle with this kind of fish ball costs $10 to 20. Readily available in traditional market and supermarket, the fish ball is also a popular ingredient for hot pot. It is a very popular street snack among kids and young adults.

In outdated Hong Kong slang, the term "fish ball girlies" (魚蛋妹) means young prostitutes, usually under the age of 18; and the brothel where these girls work is thus called "fish ball stall" (魚蛋檔). The etymology may be that the action of hand-making fishball resembles that of masturbation or that of grabbing a female's breasts (in general, the "fish ball stalls" are not designed for sexual intercourse: the clients can only caress the prostitutes and receive hand jobs).

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參考: WiKipedia
2007-03-17 1:11 am

蛋撻,是歐洲傳來的產品,英國人稱之為「custard tart」,一直是歐洲普遍的家庭甜品之一,custard是雞蛋、奶及糖混合製成的軟凍,我們稱之為「蛋」,tart則取其音叫撻。

據說在40年代時,有些餐廳推出西式早餐(奶茶、蛋撻),用來打破廣東人飲茶 食點心的習慣。食家蔡瀾表示,當年的蛋撻比現在的大兩倍以上,一大個蛋撻加杯奶茶,是五六十年代勞苦大眾至愛的東西。當經濟開始起飛,陸羽率先出現了迷你蛋撻。後期香港有錢人愈來愈多,蛋撻上還會加上燕窩、鮑魚等配料,但經濟不景,這些蛋撻又不見了。原來蛋撻更可反映經濟環境。

維也納人柯奇斯基(Fanz George Kolschitsky)是牛奶加咖啡的Cafe Latte創始人,這兩種飲料均是咖啡和牛奶洐生出來,但卡布奇諾的來歷卻更有學問,一直是歐美研究文字變遷的最佳體材。


創設於一五二五年以後的聖芳濟教會(Capuchin)的修士都穿著褐色道袍,頭戴一頂尖尖帽子,聖芳濟教會傳到義大利時,當地人覺得修士服飾很特殊,就給他們取個Cappuccino的名字,此字的義大利文是指僧侶所穿寬鬆長袍和小尖帽,源自義大利文"頭巾"即Cappuccio .


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