Query about sentence stress in Eng

2007-03-15 4:58 am
外國人講英文會有d字高音d, 有d字會低音d
我想問有冇sentence rule, 俾我知道邊d字要stress?

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在一般的情況下,articles、possessive adjectives、pronouns和prepositions都是弱音,動詞to be亦是,conjunctions也多會是。要強調的字眼就用強音,其餘的就會是普通音。此外,在唸句子時,通常在唸好了一個完整意思之後才會有停頓。

European stocks reflected falls earlier in the day in Asia yesterday after Wall Street chalked up its second-biggest points decline in four years and rattled already nervous markets worldwide.

European stocks reflected falls earlier in the day in Asia yesterday / after Wall Street chalked up its second-biggest points decline in four years / and rattled already nervous markets worldwide.
2007-03-15 5:04 pm
It is all usage, you need to learn how to speak English through native speakers ...
Please listen to News in English Channel, without subtitle ... and if you can understand the news ... you are in good shape ...
it takes time, about 2 years of practice ... but you need to do it daily, like 2 hours per day ...
then you will learn where to stress !
For example, "It is WONderful !" "You are SUPer !" "I am FINE, THANK you" ...
all are habbit and application usage :)

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