幫我譯做中文= =

2007-03-15 4:02 am
Mrs Mackle had Mark.He was asleep in his pram,so he was no trouble
Jeff had the twins,Josh and Jessie.They kept bashing one another with their little wooden spades,and trying to feed each other things they found in the sand-desd insects,bits og grass, old sweetie wrappers-but they weren't much truble.
Flora had Frances.Franceskept charging off out of sight in the bushews and Flora had to keep running off to fetch her back. Frances was more trouble than all the other three put together.

回答 (5)

2007-03-23 4:16 am
2007-03-15 6:35 am
傑弗有那些雙胞胎, 喬希和Jessie.They 一直用他們的小木製黑桃猛擊彼此, 並且供給彼此他們在那些昆蟲沙desd,草og 一點兒,舊愛人包裝紙內發現的事情,努力但是他們並非正非常truble歲。
從視線中消失在bushews和植物群裡必須一直跑開接回她,植物群有Frances.Franceskept 剔除。 法蘭西斯是比全部其他3 一同放的更多的麻煩。
參考: Microsoft Word
2007-03-15 4:43 am
Mrs Mackle had Mark.He was asleep in his pram,so he was no trouble
Mackle 夫人有Mark. 他是睡著在他的搖籃車, 因此他是沒有麻煩

Jeff had the twins,Josh and Jessie.They kept bashing one another with their little
傑夫安排孿生、Josh 和Jessie.They 繼續打擊與他們一點

wooden spades,and trying to feed each other things they found in the sand-desd
木鍬, 和設法哺養自己事他們發現了在沙子desd

insects,bits og grass, old sweetie wrappers-but they weren't much truble.
昆蟲, 位元og 草, 老糖果封皮但他們不是truble 。

Flora had Frances.Franceskept charging off out of sight in the bushews and Flora
植物群有Frances.Franceskept 充電出於視域在bushews 和植物群

had to keep running off to fetch her back. Frances was more trouble than all the

other three put together.
2007-03-15 4:32 am
Mackle夫人有馬可福音.他是睡著在他的搖籃車,因此他是沒有麻煩傑夫安排他們發現在沙子desd 昆蟲的孿生、Josh 和Jessie.They 繼續打擊與他們小的木鍬, 和設法哺養自己事,位元og 草, 老糖果封皮但他們不是truble。植物群有法蘭西斯.Franceskept 充電出於視域在bushews並且植物群必須繼續逃跑拿來她。弗朗西絲是更多麻煩比所有其它三被彙集。
2007-03-15 4:26 am
Mackle 太太有了馬克。他在他的嬰兒車中睡熟了,的確如此不麻煩
傑夫有了雙胞胎,無惡意的戲虐和潔西。他們繼續用他們的小木製的鏟子怒毆彼此,而且嘗試餵他們在沙子-desd 的昆蟲,一點點 og 草中發現的彼此事物,舊的情人包裹器-但是他們不是很多的 truble。
植物有了法蘭西斯。Franceskept 要價離開從在 bushews 和植物的視力必須走開保存流動接來她的背部。 法蘭西斯是更多的麻煩超過所有的另外三集合。

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