
2007-03-15 3:49 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-15 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
lee 個係西方ge 傳說, 因為以前ge 鏡好貴, 如果打破鏡子, 就等於7年收入, 所以就演變成e+ ge "黑足7年", 但係e+ ge 鏡並唔係好似以前咁貴, 所以我個人主觀地認為lee 個superstition 並唔太可信, 但係lee 樣野你自己判斷la, 希望我lee 個答案幫到你
參考: 自己
2007-03-15 8:27 pm
don't worry 打破了鏡子唔黑足7年唔係真
2007-03-15 4:07 am
I heard it too, but the solution is:

1) once the mirror is broken, avoid any part of you being reflected on the broken pieces of the mirror.
2) quickly cover it with a black cloth (without letting yourself being reflected on any broken piece of course.)
3) pickup the pieces with the black cloth, wrap it within the black cloth
4) throw it away (together with the black cloth)
PS: pls make sure you do not get reflected on the broken pieces during the entire clean up process.
參考: Witches reference book

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