
2007-03-15 3:23 am


回答 (4)

2007-03-15 8:23 am
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Steamed spareribs with black soybeans, procedures:
Preserve half-lean spareribs with light soybean sauce, dark soybean sauce, sugar, sesame oil and cooking oil. And, place them on a dish.
2) 開火落水和蒸架隔水蒸十分鐘直至熟透後便可熄火待用
Open the stove. Put some water into the wok and place the steam stand in the middle. Heat the water until it is boiling. Put the dish on the steam stand and steam the dish for ten minutes until it is well done. Leave this cooked dish aside for further preparation.
Use the handle of the chopper knife to smash the black soybeans and the grounded garlic into a paste.
Open the stove again. Heat the wok with a small amount of cooking oil. Put the paste into the oil and stir-fry it until it smells tasty and turns into golden yellow in colour. Place this tasty paste onto the steamed spareribs. It is ready for serve then.

P.S. sorry, 我將你的內容列了1) 至 4),希望這樣會 清楚一些 。
在2)中,wok是中國式的鑊,蒸窩叫「steaming pot」
2008-11-01 5:55 pm
蒸排骨, 請蒸耐一點, 十分鐘應該不夠, 凡豬肉都一定要煮至熟透, 寧可再熟一點, 因為豬肉可能會有寄生蟲. 好奇怪, 現在的香港人都疏忽這點, 常把豬肉當牛肉處理!

小時侯, 我爸爸是在大陸當獸醫一職的, 工作是肉類檢驗, 我也見豬肉中的寄生蟲, 很可怕!
2007-03-15 4:41 am
The Shi juice steams a sparerib step:Open fire first to fall into water and steams to separate the water steams a disc of have already used to get to take out, old take out, the sugar, hemp seed oil and oil were pickle to lead of the half width of figure sparerib, steam a clock to keep very much to thoroughly cooked behind can turn off to treat to use then.Then open fire again to fall few oil and have already poured with the haft underneath Chong lousy garlic Rong bean Shi in the Huo to explode joss-stick, be the garlic Rong bean Shi is fried to the golden color after can turn off then, will have already fried the good garlic Rong bean Shi and shop to complete then in the top of that sparerib.

Yan good since the sparerib puts to go to into the dish, packing to go into prosperous have a water since pot inside, separate a water to steam for about 20 minutes.Separating the water steams since time, must boil water first, the hot pot steams for about 20 minutes(see the sparerib quantity to come in fixed time)
2007-03-15 4:15 am
The Shi juice steams a sparerib step:Open fire first to fall into water and steams to separate the water steams a disc of have already used to get to take out, old take out, the sugar, hemp seed oil and oil were pickle to lead of the half width of figure sparerib, steam a clock to keep very much to thoroughly cooked behind can turn off to treat to use then.Then open fire again to fall few oil and have already poured with the haft underneath Chong lousy garlic Rong bean Shi in the Huo to explode joss-stick, be the garlic Rong bean Shi is fried to the golden color after can turn off then, will have already fried the good garlic Rong bean Shi and shop to complete then in the top of that sparerib.
參考: me

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