how to do potato chips?

2007-03-15 2:33 am
how to do potato chips?

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Home-fried Potato Chips
3 medium potatoes (Idaho, Russet or Yukon Gold)
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
Peel the potatoes and, using a mandoline or a thin knife, slice them 1/8 inch thick. To remove the potato starch, rinse the slices in a bowl of cold water; change the water twice. Pat the slices thoroughly dry with paper towels.
In a large skillet, heat the vegetable oil until almost smoking (about 350 degrees F). Add half of the potato slices and cook over moderately high heat. Turn the potatoes once, cooking them for about a total time of 7 minutes, or until they are golden and crisp. Remove chips with a slotted spoon and drain them on paper towels. Repeat with remaining potato slices. Sprinkle with salt or other seasonings to taste and allow them to cool thoroughly.
You can also make potato chips by an oven method which involves placing 1/8th inch slices of potatoes in a single layer on two lightly greased baking sheets, brushing them with melted butter and baking them for about 7 minutes in a 500 degree oven. Then, switching the baking positions of the pans, baking them for another 7 to 9 minutes, finally seasoning them with salt and pepper.
You can even make them in a microwave. Slice the potatoes thin and spread on a plate to go into the microwave. Cook on High for about 4 minutes, turn them over and cook another 4 minutes or just until they turn light brown. Season them and handle them carefully. They will crisp as they cool.
For more information about potato chips, as well as some original ways of using them in cooking, click on the highlighted words or on the graphic of chips above or below to visit a witty web page devoted to "The Legacy of Mr. Crum's Potato Chips."
2007-03-15 2:49 am

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