有冇人係gary chung 學化妝

2007-03-15 2:26 am
佢學course 唔會叫你去考國際試wor
仲係一take 過wor
讀晒成個course 就畢業
因為個course 都唔平
教d 野實唔實用

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
i'm learning makeup class at his school right now. he is a fantasic teacher. the makeup what is done by him which is sharp, smoothy and pretty.

there are 3 sessions of his make up class. 10 lessons in each session. we got total 30 lessons. one lesson per one week. it could be finished around in 8 months.

they always get some fashion show job or magazine job for students(some can get $, but some no $) , but they only choose the brillant students to get those job. of course, if you are too bad, no one want to bring you there. 出路如何....? simple quesion: if you are brillant student, you can get million tons of jobs. ha ha...

if you want to learn how to make up, you have to compare different kind of make up schools(to check their environment, the course fee? contains extra fee? have gift? ) to choose which one you like mostly.
2007-03-16 1:47 am
學佢個course唔考國際試咁佢個認受性又去到邊呢 ?
畢左業可以點呢 ? 你想讀完入行定係讀完可以幫自己化就算呢 ?
我就係上過佢教既堂 我既意見係佢唔識教囉 佢係做model出身既你自己決定啦
佢教得好唔好- 唔好
出路- 佢教完都唔見得有咩出路囉
想知道多d既話你可以email比我既 [email protected]

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