How to make bomb?

2007-03-15 1:54 am
what element or compound are needed?
I know that different kind of bomb may have different things, but which element or compound are commonly used?

回答 (2)

2007-03-16 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. TNT, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene CH3C6H5(NO2)3

2. 1,2,3-trinitroglycerol C3H2(OH)3(NO2)3

whenever the bomb is ignited, N2 is decomposed and expands rampantly, causing serious damage.
參考: myself
2007-03-15 2:00 am
it idfujr o dguf fsnhkfsehlh sdyh,e vjkolw gglos bngkl c lhg. Khdhbsivhd vulsnmvio,dhi hidhfviwf jvigfd fjoemhfiujw bubl ufhfvoeyovcg uswdfv iehov0gr.Rhbi owhflhs bcowgcp hsk uwlcgao vei nof so noishv dki nqwao ao so nxdi nys kxbm .
參考: book

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