
2007-03-15 1:50 am

Thank you for your kind attention and I will be appreciated if you would kindly give me a reference letter.

回答 (8)

2007-03-15 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
" I will be appreciated " should be corrected as"
" IT WOULD be GREATLY appreciated " or "IT SHOULD be GREATLY appreciated"

注意﹕" I will be appreciated " 即指 "你會被受欣賞" - 這是此句最大的錯處!

用" would " / " should " 而不用 " will " 是客套的用法,也是慣常的用法!

用 would 就不用 kindly,太累贅。

" Thank you for your kind attention and it should be greatly appreciated if you would give me a reference letter" or
" Thank you for your kind attention and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give me a reference letter "

ps. " would " 同 " could " 同樣是客套用語

2007-03-15 01:25:38 補充:
typo: 注意﹕" I will be appreciated " 即指 " 你會被受欣賞 " - 這是此句最大的錯處!應改成注意﹕" I will be appreciated " 即指 " 我會被受欣賞 " - 這是此句最大的錯處!因此 " I " 必須改為 " It " - " It should be greatly appreciated " 意指「這樣會受到我的萬分讚賞」(被動式)

2007-03-15 01:34:13 補充:
信我, it should be appreciated 是慣常的用語,無人講 I should be appreciated o架!
2007-03-15 4:29 am

Thank you for your kind attention and 沒有錯。

I will be appreciated 有問題。這裡是被動形,指{我會被感激}。改成:
I will appreciate我會被感激}

if you would kindly give me a reference letter. 沒有大問題。但give可以寫成write。因為通常是先寫後給。請求用could,不應用would。


Thank you for your attention. I will appreciate if you could kindly write me a reference letter. 應是比較好的方法。

不過如果你問我應點做,寫得reference letter,應該都係識你的人。我建議打電話或約見,口頭問可唔可以。然後先寄封多謝信,內加其他詳情。咁會有人情味一些。佢寫都寫得開心D。

2007-03-14 20:30:04 補充:
第四行 typo:I will appreciate {我會感激}
2007-03-15 4:13 am
Thank you for your kind attention and I will be appreciated if you would kindly give me a reference letter.(你的)

Thanks for your kind attention and I will be appreciated if you would kindly to give me a reference letter.(提議)
2007-03-15 1:59 am
I suggest you change it to:

Thank you for your kind attention and I will appreciate if you would (or change would to could) kindly give me a reference letter.
2007-03-15 1:55 am
basically correct ga~~ give you 2 more examples ar~~

Thank you for your kind attention and I will be much grateful if you would kindly give me a reference letter.


Thank you for your kind attention and it would be much appreciated if you would kindly give me a reference letter.
參考: me^^
2007-03-15 1:54 am
Thank you for your kind attention and I will be appreciated if you would kindly give me a reference letter.
Thanks your kind attention, and I am appreciated you whether can give me kindly to refer to the letter.
2007-03-15 1:53 am
I would change this sentence to "Thank you for your attention and would be higher appreciated the reference letter."
2007-03-15 1:53 am
沒有錯 沒有錯 沒有錯 沒有錯 沒有錯
參考: no

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