韓國travel - 搭車

2007-03-15 12:54 am
有無人試過去韓國自由行, 用T-money card ?或者有無d買套票搭巴士/地鐵,平同方便, 尤其for 旅客?唔該 !!

想問多少少野, d 訂金係唔係以現金即時退回? even 用4 日都可以退? 因為我只係去4日旅行!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-18 9:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, you will not get the refund for the cost of the T-money Card.
The cost of a T-money Card is 1,500 Won or 2,500 Won and such amount is not a deposit (as it is for Octopus Card in HK). You may only get the refund of the balance in the card and the procedure is infeasible to you if the balance is >20,000 Won or if the balance cannot be read by the machine.

Please see the detail information on how to use a T-money Card here:
" 一張T-Money在手, 全首爾通行! "

See the refund policy:
⑤ 退還T-Money
如果T-Money剩下的金額少於20,000韓元, 可到任何銷售處退還。金額多於20,000韓元的話, 就要到韓國Smart Card公司申請退還。退還時能正常辨讀的話, 可即時得到退款。不能辨讀的話, 就要到GS25或Familymart便利店申請退款。這情況下, 十天之內能夠透過銀行戶頭收到退回的款項。

However, T-money Card is a good suggestion for you even though you may not get the refund and you travel in Seoul just for 4 days. There are many reasons for this choice:
1. lt is easy to buy a Standard-type T-money Card at the subway station or the Railway Station. If you use it 4 times per day, you will save 1,600 Won i.e. the cost of the Card.
2. You may save more if you make good use of the transfer discount. So, read the above information on transfer discount carefully.
3. There is no need for you to buy any subway ticket thus saving your time in queuing up. My friend like using T-money card because she may avoid struggling with the staff when she talk to him using Korean. Of course, it is a good chance for you to practise your Korean and you may ignore this reason.
4. You may change your mind and go to another destination during the journey. If you buy a ticket first and change your mind to go to a nearer place, you may lose some money, though a very small amount.
2011-11-24 6:28 pm
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2007-03-15 2:09 am
用T-money card ,可以搭地鐵,搭巴士,票價也有優惠,搭地鐵每程減100won。如只搭地鐵可買儲值券,有5000won和10000won兩種,但不能搭巴士。(此券可在售票機購買。)
T-money card 可在地鐵站內購買,像香港的八達通一樣,有按金,不是記得很清楚,好似是2000won,你不識講,可以用紙寫上T-money card ,連同5000或10000won(隨你喜歡)遞給售票處職員,你用完張T-money card 可以像香港一樣去取消張card,拿回按金。

ps:張T-money card 和香港的八達通用法完全一樣。


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