緊急~~!! 想去希臘 ge愛琴海

2007-03-14 11:50 pm
但係想去法國 , 日本 , 希臘 呢d地方
要唔要簽證ga or 咩手續 ga!??

咁如果係係mainland出生呢..會唔會有咩唔同? 同埋我聽d 朋友講去日本要去日本領事館簽証ge!!? 有冇人知道如果去以上 呢d地方要用幾$簽證同埋可以簽要幾耐ga? 邊到可以知道有關呢方面ge 資料呢?

回答 (3)

2007-03-17 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I assume that you have a HKSAR Passport and BNO.

It does NOT matter where you were born. Among all the countries in the World, only TAIWAN concerns about where HK passport holders were born.

France and Greece is part of EU Schengen Agreement, so the immigration policies are identical in both countries. With your HKSAR passport and BNO (recently), you can enter EU+(Norway+Switzerland+Iceland+Leichtenstein) for 3 months without visa

For Japan, again both passports entitled you to enter the country for sightseeing and business trips without visa for three months.

What your friend told you is long outdated news already, HK joined the Japanese visa free list since 01/04/04.
2007-03-15 12:11 am
法國持 BNO 人 士 , 須 申 請 簽 證 。 申 請 人 證 件 須 有 效 最 少 六 個 月 , 並 帶 備 近 照 1 張 及 身 份 證 副 本 , 申 請 簽 證 需 4 個 工 作 天 , 費 用 為 $500 。
持 香 港 特 區 護 照 人 士 , 免 簽 證 可 停 留 三 個 月 。

希臘持 BNO 或 香 港 特 區 護 照 人 士 免 簽 證 可 停 留 一 個 月 。 護 照 最 少 有 效 六 個 月 。

日本 持bno同sar都唔駛簽証
2007-03-15 12:07 am
it always depends which passport you are using.
if you have HKSAR passport then no visa is needed when going to France and Japan.

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