2007-03-14 8:13 pm
我部LCD TV係新買O既, 睇碟冇問題, 但睇電視時, 他間中要閃閃下, 請問係乜問題, 個師傅話係我地條天線影響, 我地係用公共天線, 係咪真有影響呀? 咁點解我地之前用舊式電視冇咁既事?? 有冇人可以比D專業意見比我呀??? 我可以點同個供應商講呀?

多謝你既answer, 我仲唔係好明, 咁係咪即係如果由錄影機輸出, 會閃, 便係我地公共天線問題???

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你睇碟冇問題,問題一定來自電視部份,電視接收兩大問題是RF訊號輸入(即公共天線)及調諧器(tuner)。你用部錄影機接收RF訊號,然後用視頻輸出 (composite or S-video or compoent video out) 駁LCD TV,咁駁法接收冇事就係LCD TV 嘅調諧器有問題,你就可以call代理嚟修理。但要有心理準備係部機嘅設計問題,未必有得整。

2007-03-15 10:15:32 補充:
即係如果由錄影機輸出, 會閃, 便係你家公共天線問題。放大器很多時候不能解決問題,TV唔閃嗰陣如果接收良好證明signal strength夠,用加大器仲乜?
2007-03-15 2:10 am
If you use a TV recorder to connect and the problem still exists, then the problem is not on the tuner of the TV, but the problem of the public antenna or the picture reproduction of your TV. If it is the problem of public antenna, try to buy a TV signal amplifier to make the signal receiving better. If it does not work, then it is the problem of picture reprodcution of the TV which I don't think you can do anything as you are OK when watching DVD, meaning that the resolution of TV signal is too low to give a better picturee quality.

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