我想問a few 同 few有d咩分別, a litter 同 litter 又有d咩分別呀???

2007-03-14 7:55 pm
我想問a few 同 few有d咩分別, a litter 同 litter 又有d咩分別呀???

回答 (1)

2007-03-14 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本上, few同little係有負面ge意思ge, 例如:Gary is very busy with his job. He has little time for other things.意思係佢只係淨番dd時間, 當然佢想要更多時間la~
又例如:Vicky doesn't like living in London. She has few friends there.意思佢得好少fd, 當然佢梗係想要多d fd la~

而a few同a little就冇負面意思~ 如果想表達有少少, 唔多ge數量, 就可以用呢兩個~
例如:Let's go and have a coffee. We have a little time before the train leaves.意思係我地仲有時間, 夠哂時間, 所以是正面la~
例如:'Do you speak English?' 'A little.' 意思唔係負面, 「識d la, 可以同人講到野~」ge意思~ 但如果答'Very little.' 答果個人就覺得自己識得好少, 可能少到同人溝通唔到~

p.s. a few同few係用響數得到(countable) ge nouns, a little同little係用響數唔到(uncountable) ge noun度la~

參考: English Grammer in Use

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