how to use the word "either and neither"?

2007-03-14 7:14 pm
i always hear the people say the two words. so can you teach how to use it in speech and make the examples please.thank you so much for your help.bye......!

回答 (3)

2007-03-14 9:00 pm
either 同 too 係好相似的
A: Im happy
B: Im happy too

A: Im not happy
B: Im not happy either

A:I cant cook
B:I cant either ( not I cant too)

Neither 同either亦都好似
A: I havent got a key
B: Neither have I.=I havent either.

A:Ann cant cook
B:Neither can Tom = Tom cant either

A: I wont be here tomorrow.
B: Neither will i

Nor = Neither
A: Im not married.
B: Nor am I. or Neither am I.
2007-03-14 7:35 pm
One or the other of two (兩者之中的其中一個)
e.g. It's either a boy or a girl (不是男仔就是女仔)
e.g. Either say u r sorry or (else) get out (你一係就說對不起﹐一係就出去)
e.g. There r 2 ways 2 the post office. You may take either one.
(去郵局有些兩條路﹐ 你可以就任何一條)

Not one and not the other of two (兩者都不的﹐皆不)
e.g. Neither is a good man (兩者都不是好男人)
e.g. Will u have tea or coffee? Neither, thanks (喝茶或o加啡﹖ 兩樣都不要了﹐謝謝)
e.g. Neither computer is good. (兩部電腦都不好)
2007-03-14 7:29 pm
either 之後會加 or
如 She is coming either today or tomorrow--她不是今天就是明天來。(用於兩者選其一)...

而neither 之後會加 nor
如 We had neither money nor food--我們既沒有錢,也沒有食物, (用於兩者都不是)

hope i can help you
參考: my experience

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