唔知點解我部電腦﹐係我開機時﹐不斷發出長鳴﹐而每次長鳴大約維持6-7秒﹐而且個螢幕顯示器無畫面﹐黑晒咁﹐佢只係在開機時出現過一次個螢幕顯示器的牌子﹐why部腦會咁?事情發生在yesterday,但係唔係第一次發生﹐之前都有發生過幾次﹐果時天氣得11-12度﹐會唔會關天氣時?但係yesterday係有成20幾度﹐我覺得濕度都幾高.please help me.
BIOS and motherboard issue, you need to double check RAM connections and all the boards (sound card, video card ) are all connected securely in place with the motherboard ...
then try to reconnect, and if it still happen, it can be that your RAM speed is not matching the motherboard ...
like your mother board request 333, you place a set of 133 RAM into it.