
2007-03-14 1:13 pm
如題, thx

回答 (8)

2007-03-14 2:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"狗毛"的英文是 Dog hair/fur.
2007-03-14 11:02 pm
just 'fur' will do
2007-03-14 6:14 pm
2007-03-14 4:18 pm
"毛"的英文是"hair", so"狗毛"的英文是"Dog's hair"

2007-03-14 08:20:12 補充:
The computer have some problem, it should be :"毛"的英文是"hair", so"狗毛"的英文是"Dog's hair"
參考: english books
2007-03-14 3:50 pm
‧英文《Dog's Hair》
參考: Enjoy of your Day! ^-^
2007-03-14 3:19 pm
dog wool or dog fur !
參考: me
2007-03-14 1:50 pm
dog fur.....
2007-03-14 1:41 pm
should be dog's hair.

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