Chemistry plan- how to measurement of pH in sulphamic acid

2007-03-14 11:08 am
Sulphamic acid is a white solid that dissolves readily in water. IT has the molecular formula H3SNO3

It is a strong monobasic acid. this means that one mole of the acid ionises to produce one mole of hydrogen ions in aqueous solution.

Devise 2 different experiment, one of which involves measurement of pH, which would enable you to prove that sulphamic acid is monobasic

please could anyone help me....pleaseeeeee....

回答 (1)

2007-03-14 1:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
EXP 1 sulphamic acid is monobasic
1. dissolve known mass sulphamic acid in know volume of water, then u can get the molarity of the solution.
2. titrate the sulphamic acid against known concentration sodium hydoxide, use phenolphthalein as indicator.
3. calculate the no. of moles of sodium hydroxide used, compare to the no. of moles of sulphamic acid titrated, if the ratio is 1:1, then sulphamic acid is monobasic acid.

EXP 2 measurement of pH
1. dissolve known mass sulphamic acid in know volume of water, then use pH paper/ pH meter to test the pH value, repeat the experiment with different concentration of sulphamic acid

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