anti-bumping granule

2007-03-14 10:46 am
anti-bumping granule 有咩用咖 ??

而且有咩 experiments 一定要 anti-bumping granule 的存在 ?

請用英文答 ~

唔該 .

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
antibumping granules provide service area for a liquid for boil. (prevent bumping of the liquid)

This is done so that the liquid wont get over-heated before it boils, otherwise it could be very dangerous as the energy may burst out at any instant.

Aneibumping granules is essential when doing reflux and distillation, though it may also be added anytime u heat a liquid.
2007-03-15 12:52 am
防磞沸小粒可避免加熱時溫度過高, 產生副產物,
不是所有實驗都要用, 一般只是用到回流冷凝器失會用

anti-bumping granule can prevent over heat, side products form
not all experiments need use of anti-bumping granule
參考: f.7 chem student

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