History : Cold War

2007-03-14 9:55 am
Matching : (04)

Part A :
19. Khrushchev
20.. muclear bombs
21. Salgon
22. Pyongyang

A. a deadly weapon developed after WWII
B. capital of North Korea
C. successor of Stalin
D. capital of South Vietnam

Part B:
23. George Marshell
24. Ho Chi Minh
25. Mao Zedong
26. Molotov

A. US Secretaty of State
B. Soviet Foreign Minister
C. leader of Vietnamese communists
D. Chairman of the PRC

回答 (1)

2007-03-14 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A :
19. Khrushchev (C)
20.. muclear bombs (A)
21. Salgon (D)
22. Pyongyang (B)

Part B:
23. George Marshell (A)
24. Ho Chi Minh (C)
25. Mao Zedong (D)
26. Molotov (B)

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