History : Cold War

2007-03-14 9:43 am
Time Sense : (04)

Part A:
A. Cuban Missile Crisis
B. Berlin Blockade
C. Greek Civil War
D. Molotov Plan

Part B:
A. building of Berlin Blockade
B. removal of Berlin Blockade
C. outbreak of Vietnam War
D. enforcement of Marshell Plan

List 2 (D)
f. Building of the Berlon Wall
g. US' military intervention in Vietnam
h. The division of Korea into South Korea and North Korea
i. The Cuban Missile Crisi
j. Formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A:
A. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
B. Berlin Blockade1948-1949
C. Greek Civil War 1946-1949
D. Molotov Plan 1949


Part B:
A. building of Berlin Blockade 19, June, 1948
B. removal of Berlin Blockade 1949
C. outbreak of Vietnam War 1961 (Some say 1965)
D. enforcement of Marshell Plan April, 1948


List 2 (D)
f. Building of the Berlin Wall August, 1961
g. US' military intervention in Vietnam
h. The division of Korea into South Korea and North Korea
i. The Cuban Missile Crisi
j. Formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Part A:
A. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
B. Berlin Blockade1948-1949
C. Greek Civil War 1946-1949
D. Molotov Plan 1949


Part B:
A. building of Berlin Blockade 19, June, 1948
B. removal of Berlin Blockade 1949
C. outbreak of Vietnam War 1961 (Some say 1965)
D. enforcement of Marshell Plan April, 1948


List 2 (D)
f. Building of the Berlon Wall August., 1962
g. US' military intervention in Vietnam 1964
h. The division of Korea into South Korea and North Korea 1953
i. The Cuban Missile Crisis October, 1962
j. Formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949

參考: CE experience
2007-03-14 9:03 pm
A October 28, 1962
B June 21, 1948 TO May 11, 1949
C 1946 TO 1949
D 1947
A June 21, 1948
B May 11, 1949
C 1959
D July 12 1947
f August 13, 1961
g August 2, 1964
h July 27, 1953
i October 28, 1962
j 4 April 1949

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