
2007-03-14 8:26 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
想去英國留學就一定要讀私立學校, 因為師資, 聲望, facilities 等(一般)都會比 county school 好. 有心讀好書学好英文嘅話, 就記住記住唔好去多香港人嗰間!!!

學費一般都係昂貴, 如果住埋boarding(寄宿)就更厲害. 一年有三個term, 學費+寄宿一般大概係4000-6000鎊一個 term (唔係一年呀!!!). 會有再平D或貴D, 視乎個別學校. 再加一D雜費如買uniform, 出trip, 学音樂, 監護人費用, 自己洗費, 機票等等.

報名當然越早越好, 一來多D時間考慮, 二來有D學校會要你考入学試同英文. 但而家揾都唔算太遲. 想知多D可以問 British Council (英國文化協會) - http://www.britishco uncil.org/hongkong. 佢地有英國学校嘅資料俾你慢慢睇慢慢諗, 亦會响香港安排学校展俾你參觀 (我都喺咁揀学校過去). 我建議你預早收集定一D資料先免得到時太衝忙.
揾到学校後佢哋就會寫封信幫你申請 student visa, 俾埋学費咁就 OK o家喇.
嗰邊係讀 GCE A-level, 可以話俾 HK A-level 淺. 你去到先揀科, 而且冇分文理商. 你可以大兜亂讀 Physics + Art + Business Study + Chinese (自修) 都得. 最重要係先諗諗自己大学想讀乜, 然後就返佢哋嘅要求.

加油喇同學! ^_^
參考: 個人經驗 - 留学英國14年
2007-03-14 8:37 am
If you currently consider to study in UK, it would be good idea to contact briti..Coun..for details. Personaly speaking, according to my experience, I joined the Exhibition for studying in UK. Perhaps, you should contact your targeted university and talk to them in Email so that you can be well-equiped.You should always bear in mind that " Early Preparation is much more better than hurry in no time."

Just go for it and find your way to study abroad, you can do it.....

Hope to help....

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