How many idiots.....?

2007-03-14 2:42 am
do you deal with a day?

回答 (44)

2007-03-14 8:06 pm
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Not enough. Would anyone like to send more idiots my way?

2007-03-14 2:45 am
Too many to freakin' you ever wish you could spray idiot-be-gone?!
2007-03-14 2:44 am
myself mainly!! lol
2007-03-14 3:54 pm
More than I care to mention. Its very taxing.
2007-03-14 2:48 am
.lots when I'm driving !! me going 60 ..them pulling out two car Lengths ahead of me from a side road going all of 15 mph slamming on brakes them giving me dirty looks and hand gestures doing 60 them doing 35 in left hand lane next to another doing 35 rrrrrrrrrrrrr I am doing the speed limit on a 4 lane divided highway !!!!
2007-03-14 2:46 am
Well it depends on what day of week it is. Sundays are National Idiot Drive Days... Other than that, thank God that I account my own business. The rest I have managers for!!!

Oh I have to add Chriszchris to my list of idiots after I read your responses... He stated Stalinist Nazis..... thats just wrong and if he had half a brain he would know how stupid this sounds.
2007-03-14 2:46 am
OMG. Millions each day. I'm surrounded by them. Never underestimate the power of idiots in large numbers.
2007-03-14 2:45 am
Well, if that means driving to work, going to the gas station, at work, at lunch,driving home from work, going to the grocery store....A hell of a lot
2007-03-14 2:45 am
i go to a small school, so only about 200
2007-03-14 2:45 am
I'm a waitress/bartender. I have come across more idots than I could possibly count!
2007-03-14 2:45 am
well i have six classes and about thirty kids in each so about 180?
2007-03-14 2:45 am
there really is no telling...they all wear masks...
2007-03-14 2:44 am
Depends on the pilots and passenger loads.
2007-03-14 2:44 am
I work in a dock office and I have to deal with truck drivers all day. So yeah......quite a few

: )
2007-03-14 5:17 am
One or two, which just means I deal with less people.
2007-03-14 3:00 am
um, a lot
2007-03-14 2:57 am
More than a few.
But it takes one to know one. :0)
2007-03-14 2:50 am
too many!
2007-03-14 2:47 am
I try and limit myself to five a day lately.
2007-03-14 2:45 am
Hardly any - ever.
2007-03-14 2:45 am
Well it's 2 AM here so I suppose I can afford one before bed, right that's enough for me...1
2007-03-14 2:45 am
not many, but theres one im dealing with now
2007-03-14 2:45 am
seems like quite a few.
參考: H
2007-03-14 2:45 am
when im at work, a few

2007-03-14 2:45 am
OMG....Id have to count every single person in the shop that I work in. Except me of course. lol.
2007-03-14 2:45 am
2007-03-14 2:45 am
oh boy, this is a hard one
*starts to count idiots.*
id say about 20?
no lie, i swear man
2007-03-14 2:45 am
way too many
2007-03-14 2:45 am
2007-03-14 2:45 am
A lot. There are 2 in my family, and some in school
2007-03-14 2:45 am
Everyone I see.
2007-03-14 2:45 am
a lot
2007-03-14 2:45 am
2007-03-14 2:44 am
at least 25.............I work for a company that has 3000 employees
2007-03-14 2:44 am
too many
2007-03-14 2:44 am
TOO MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-14 2:44 am
More than I care to admit.
2007-03-14 2:44 am
probably 3 everyday
2007-03-14 2:44 am
A couple.
參考: =)
2007-03-14 2:44 am
all day i deal with them
2007-03-14 2:44 am
Not many.
2007-03-14 2:44 am
depends on how much i am in public.......
2007-03-14 2:44 am
Oh, you don't wanna know.
2007-03-14 2:44 am
a few

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