5.1 影音

2007-03-14 6:01 am
請問 安橋 or Marantz 好呢?
OR 另有介紹 3000-4000元

回答 (2)

2007-03-15 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
With your budget, go for Marantz. They have now some package offered out there with the lowest end model of amplifier (SR301 or something, I can remember), with speakers of other brand. Go to BEST HONG KONG in Hollywood Plaza (Diamond Hill) and check it out.
2007-03-14 1:09 pm
我認為牌子Marantz 好過安橋, 但要看型號.
Marantz冇一套套5.1賣的, 要自己配喇叭, 因佢本身沒出喇叭.
有電器舖配好一套套5.1賣的. 價錢有平有貴, 走多兩間hifi鋪試音lar.
3000-4000元一套5.1連擴音, 會難找de wor.

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