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木乃伊是在人工防腐情況下或自然條件下可以長久保存的屍體。木乃伊一詞源自波斯語,原義為蠟,歐洲人用來指古埃及塗抹防腐香料保存至今的屍體,中國自明代以來將其音譯為木乃伊。古埃及人認為人死後可以復活,而復活的條件是保存屍體。製作木乃伊需要先將屍體挖去內臟,浸過鹽水,在腹腔填以乳香、桂皮等香料,縫合後把屍體浸入特製的防腐液中,經70天取出,再裹上麻布,填以香料,塗上樹脂,就做成了木乃伊。A mummy is a corpse whose skin and dried flesh have been preserved by either intentional or accidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, very low humidity, or airlessness.Intentionally prepared "ritualistic" mummies
The best-known mummies are those that have been deliberately embalmed with the specific purpose of preservation, particularly those in ancient Egypt. Egyptian culture believed the body was home in the afterlife to a person's Ka, which without it would be condemned to eternal wandering. In Egypt, the bodies' abdomens were opened and all organs, except for the heart, were removed and preserved in Canopic jars. The brain, thought to be useless, was pulled out through the nose with hooks, then discarded.
The emptied body was then covered in natron, to speed up the process of dehydration and prevent decomposition. They were covered with sheets of white linen then wrapped with canvas.
In China, preserved corpses have been recovered from submerged cypress coffins packed with medicinal herbs.
法老(希伯拉文:פרעה,希臘文:Φαραώ,埃及文轉寫:pr ʿ3)是古埃及君主的尊稱。是埃及語的希伯來文音譯。在古王國時代僅指王宮,從新王國第十八王朝圖特摩斯三世起作為頌詞開始用於國王自身,並逐漸演變成對國王的一種尊稱。第二十二王朝以後,成為國王的正式頭銜。習慣上將古埃及的國王通稱為法老。法老是國家政權的最高代表,掌握軍、政、神權。法老自稱是太陽神阿蒙之子,是神在地上的代理人和化身。
Pharaoh was the ancient Egyptian name for the office of kingship. While the term began as a reference to the king's palace, but the meaning loosened over the course of Egypitan history until in the late period it was interchangeable with the Egypitan word for king. Such rulers were believed to be the incarnation of HorusThe term pharaoh ultimately derives from a compound word written as pr-`3 also spelt par'o in texts, used only in larger phrases like smr pr-`3 'Courtier of the Great House', with specific reference to the buildings of the court or palace itself.[2] From the Twelfth Dynasty onwards the word appears in a wish formula 'Great House, may it live, prosper and be in health', but only with reference to the buildings of the court rather than the king himself.