
2007-03-14 4:46 am
The marked price of a television is set at a profit of 20%. Then it is sold at a discount of 20% and the loss is $64. Find the cost price of the television.

回答 (6)

2007-03-14 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be the cost price of the television,
x - x*(1+20%)*(1-20%) = 64
x*(1-120%*80%) = 64
x*4% = 64
x = 1600
The cost price of the television is $1600.
參考: me
2007-03-14 5:02 am
Let X be the cost price

0.8 (1.2 X) = X - 64

0.96 X = X - 64

0.04 X = 64

4 X = 6400

X = 1600

2007-03-13 21:07:51 補充:
The cost price of the television is $1600
2007-03-14 5:02 am
Let X be the cost price,

X (120%) * (1-20%) = X-$64
120%X * 80% = X-$64
0.96X = X-$64
X-0.96X = $64
0.04X = $64
X = $1600
The cost Price is $1600.
參考: me
2007-03-14 5:01 am
cost price :$1600

loss is $64 = 1- 96%
= 4%
1% of the tv is= $64 除 4
1%= 16

參考: 中二的自己
2007-03-14 4:53 am
Let the cost price of the TV is $X

marked price = X * (1+20%) = 1.2X
sold price = 1.2X * (1-20%) = 0.96X

Loss = Cost price - Sold Price
64 = X - 0.96X
64 = 0.04X
X = 1600

therefore, the cost of the TV is $1,600.
參考: chai716
2007-03-14 4:49 am

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