
2007-03-14 4:25 am

回答 (4)

2007-03-14 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果女方不介意有味的話,口交不需要戴condom .不過一定要洗乾淨你的小朋友,否則你女友可能會反胃,或者口腔受感染.
2007-03-14 5:45 am
緊係唔洗 用左無咩feel 唔high
2007-03-14 5:36 am
口交不需要戴condom 唔洗用condom的
2007-03-14 4:49 am
Yes you are right that the probability of being pregnant thru oral sex is very very low and unlikely BUT to prevent sexual disease transmission, condom is still necessary.

Love yourself, love your another half. You should consider to use condom. Could money buy health, then spending on prevention is insignificant when comparing to spending on expensive and long suffering medical treatments and drugs. Remember some of the sexual transmitted disease are chronicle, some come back periodically and some are never healed.

So take care.

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