
2007-03-14 2:59 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think nothing is 冇左.

2007-03-13 19:38:08 補充:
Ocean Park welcomed its four-millionth visitor March of 2006. This new record broke its previous attendance record in 1997. The park's record attendance saw an increase from 3.68 million to 4 million.

2007-03-13 19:38:49 補充:
Ocean Park said that local residents made up 38 per cent of total visitors. Among tourists who are not local residents, 88 per cent (about 2.1 million) came from the mainland.

2007-03-13 19:39:17 補充:
The previous attendance record of 3.8 million visitors in 1997 was when Hong Kong's economy was strong. But the park suffered in the economic decline which followed. In 2000 and 2001, visitor numbers dropped to 2.75 million. [Original Article from English Street]
2007-03-14 3:03 am
you can find 海洋公園 ge website ......

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