
2007-03-14 1:43 am

回答 (5)

2007-03-14 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
是沒有分別的,因為New Zealand 的中文譯音可以譯作新西蘭跟紐西蘭,New Zealand 前面有New字,所以有人譯成' 新 ' 字;New的音與紐字近似,也可譯作紐。

參考: me
2007-03-21 11:22 pm
咁點解New York 冇人話叫 "新約"的?
2007-03-14 4:54 am
no difference,
because"new zealand", new=新, also the sound is like=紐
so in chinese, there are 2 names..
2007-03-14 1:51 am
紐西蘭 is similar to New Zealand's pronunciation,

"新"西蘭 is "New" Zealand, it means it was a new island in the past.

Wish you get what I mean.

2007-03-13 17:53:57 補充:
「新」西蘭 means 'New' Zealand
2007-03-14 1:46 am
No. Except the Chinese Name.

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