
2007-03-14 12:58 am



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2007-09-06 1:18 am
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2007-03-14 3:57 am
北京市(普通話發音 說明 · 關於 ),中華人民共和國首都,中國四個直轄市之一。 北京是一座有著3000多年的建城史、850多年的建都史的歷史文化名城;是全國的政治、文化中心, 也是全國最大的陸空交通樞紐。 北京薈萃了中國燦爛的文化藝術,有著眾多的名勝古跡和人文景觀。北京經濟增長強勁,2006年人均GDP達6210美元,進入中等已開發國家水準。2008年夏季奧林匹克運動會將在北京舉行。
Beijing (help·info) (Chinese: 北京 (help·info); Pinyin: Běijīng; IPA: [pei˨˩ tɕɪŋ˥˥]), a metropolis in northern China, is the capital of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It was formerly known in English as Peking or Peiking [English Pronunciation]. Beijing is also one of the four municipalities of the PRC, which are equivalent to provinces in China's administrative structure. Beijing Municipality borders Hebei Province to the north, west, south, and for a small section in the east, and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.
Beijing is China's second largest city in terms of population, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways entering and leaving it in all directions. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognized as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields.
Beijing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. It will host the 2008 Summer Olympics.
2007-03-14 3:41 am
Area: 16,808 square kilometers
Population: 12 million
Urban population: 6.6 million
Nationalities: Han, Hui, Manchu, and Mongolian
Main language: Mandarin (putonghua)
Time zone: GMT/UTC plus 8 hours
Telephone area code: 010
Climatic features: warm-temperate, semi-humid, monsoonal climate; hot, rainy summers; cold, dry winters; short springs and autumns;frequent spring droughts and summer flooding
Average temperature: minus 7 - minus 4 centigrade degree in January, 25 - 26 centigrade degree in July.
Physical features: mountainous in the north and west; flatlands in the southeast
Mountains: Western Hills, which belong to the Taihang Range; Jundu Mountain, in the north, which is part of the Yanshan Mountains
Rivers: Yongding River, a branch of the Haihe River
Products: wheat, corn, millet, potatoes, rice, peanuts, soybeans,sesame; cotton, silk cocoons; tobacco; pears, grapes; coal, iron, marble, asbestos
Specialties: Miyun dates, Jingbai pears, Liangxiang chestnuts, Beijing duck

Beijing is an ancient city with a long cultural history. The four feudal dynasties--Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing had all set up their capital here. That's why it became a most concentrated place of the country's scenic spots and historical sites. Among them, the best known are the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and the Temple of Heaven.

Beijing is the political center of China where the Party's Central Committee, the State Council, ministries and commissions under the government, and more than 140 foreign embassies are located. It is also an international exchange center.

Beijing is an economic center of China Being one of the biggest industrial bases in China, Beijing's industrial production is the second largest in value among all Chinese cities. An industrial system with iron and steel, coal, machinery, chemical and petroleum, textiles, electronics and other industries as its mainstays has already taken shape. Beijing's arts and crafts are famous for their long history, great variety, and superb workmanship. The most popular ones among them are cloisonne, ivory carving, jadeware, carved lacquer ware, snuff bottles, silk flowers and Beijing's embroidery etc.

As the country's center of culture, education, science and technology Beijing has more than forty state scientific research institutions, over thirty universities and the greatest number of professional and technical Beijing has more than forty state scientific research institutions, over thirty universities and the greatest number of professional and technical personnel.

In Beijing, there are numerous museums and libraries with the largest collection of books in china. Beijing also serves as a center for international exchange in culture, science and technology.

區域: 16,808個平方公里
人口: 一千二百萬
都市的人口: 六百六十萬
國籍: 漢, Hui ,滿族人和蒙古人 {漢, Hui, 滿族人,和蒙古人的}
主要部份語言: {主要的語言:} 官吏(putonghua) {過於文雅的(putonghua)}
定時地域: 加上 8 小時的格林威治標準時間/UTC
打電話區號: 010
氣候上的特徵: 溫暖-溫和的,半-潮溼的, monsoonal 氣候; 熱地,下雨的夏天;寒冷的,乾冬天; { 寒冷,乾冬天;} 短春天和秋天;時常來訪春天乾旱和夏天洪水氾濫 {短跳和秋天;時常來訪春天乾旱和夏天洪水氾濫}
平均溫度: 減 7- 減一月的 4個分為百度的程度,

2007-03-13 19:44:45 補充:
25- 在七月的 26個分為百度的程度。身體檢查特徵: {實際的特徵: / 身體檢查扮演重要角色:} 多山的在北方中和西方; {多山的在北方和西方; / 多山的在北方中和西方; / 多山的在北方和西方;} 在東南中的 flatlands {東南的 flatlands / 在東南中的 flatlands / 東南的 flatlands}

2007-03-13 19:45:05 補充:
山: 西方希爾,屬於 Taihang 系列; {西方希爾,屬於 Taihang 排列;} Jundu 山,在向北中, Yanshan 山的部份是哪一個 {Jundu 山,在向北, Yanshan 山的部份是哪一個 / Jundu 山,在北方中,是 Yanshan 山的部份 / Jundu 山,在北方,是 Yanshan 山的部份}

2007-03-13 19:46:11 補充:
河: Yongding 河, Haihe 河的一個部門產品: 小麥,玉黍蜀,稷,馬鈴薯,飯,花生,大豆,芝麻; 棉花,絲繭; 煙草; 西洋梨子,葡萄; 煤,鐵,大理石,石綿 {煤,燙,大理石,石綿 / 煤,燙,大理石的,石綿}
2007-03-14 1:52 am
北京市(普通話發音 說明 · 關於 ),中華人民共和國首都,中國四個直轄市之一。 北京是一座有著3000多年的建城史、850多年的建都史的歷史文化名城;是全國的政治、文化中心, 也是全國最大的陸空交通樞紐。 北京薈萃了中國燦爛的文化藝術,有著眾多的名勝古跡和人文景觀。北京經濟增長強勁,2006年人均GDP達6210美元,進入中等已開發國家水準。2008年夏季奧林匹克運動會將在北京舉行。
參考: 維基百科
2007-03-14 1:05 am



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