botox 瘦面針

2007-03-14 12:57 am
打 botox 瘦面針要 keep 住 , 但要打到幾多歲先可以停呢 ? 會唔會話打到咁上下 , 塊面 d 肌肉都緊番晒 , 咁之後唔打都唔會點打番原形呀 ?

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Botox is a deadly toxin to mankind, although it is widely used today as a way to treated wrinkles, but it is only approved to injected in between the brows. The more you inject, the more you paralyze your facial muscle, and the muscle will eventually become dead. You face will not return to it's previous phase even if you stop injecting. Please be advised.
There is only one company that manufacture Botox, Allergan If you decided to get it, please make sure your doc is not using any generic brand.

2007-03-15 11:46:36 補充:
Botox is use to reduce wrinkle and is not used to make your face skinnier. It is not a diet product!
參考: me
2007-03-22 11:24 pm
* 打一次可以keep到約6個月,唔打o既話就會漸漸打回原形。
唔會打到咁上下就永遠keep到,因為隻藥o既效果唔係永久(reversible effect)。
* 不過你想打BOTOX瘦面針o既話,就要視乎你o既面肥係咪因為咬肌肥大 (masseter hypertrophy)喇,如果你係因為其他原因(例如:面骨大或脂肪多)的話,BOTOX就幫唔到你喇。
* 打BOTOX瘦面針個效果會漸漸走出黎(幾個禮拜左右就會有最靚效果),比起磨鰓骨或者抽脂o既整容手術,係唔會咁易俾人發現到ga。
參考: 自己

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