21日歐洲行... 咁既行程ok ma???

2007-03-14 12:11 am
london + 大學區 三日
then scoland 兩日
then wales 兩日
then back london (因為有fd要早走)
then spain barcelona 三日(想睇波, 魯營主場, 細細個既夢想...)
then spain 未知邊度 兩日
then 南法 三日
then 聖山 一日
then paris 三日
then back london n hong kong

第一次去歐洲~ 咩都唔識~ 指教指教

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
總括來說, 你的行程比較緊迫, 好像天天都要有幾小時在車上渡過, 小弟有以下建議

如果你的朋友能自己回港, 那不用陪他回倫敦吧. 一來浪費時間, 二來英國的交通費一點也不便宜的. 你是否選乘 Oasis? 如果還沒有決定, 可考慮選乘歐洲航空公司 (如英航, 法航, 德航等), 雖然機票會貴約 2000 元, 但它們大多可安排轉飛蘇格蘭. 那麼你便可先到蘇格蘭, 威爾斯, 最後才回倫敦, 跟著你便可繼續行程
英國行程共有 7 天. 但走訪三 "國", 實在太多, 有點走馬看花. 建議將威爾斯的 2 日平分給蘇格蘭及倫敦. 那麼你既可享受蘇格蘭的湖光山色, 又可到倫敦及附近遊覽了
西班牙除了巴塞隆納外, 另外 2 日為什麼不到馬德里???? 你只需於倫敦直飛馬德里或巴塞隆納便行
法國南部的 3 日. 你只有足夠時間就其中一件事. 第一, 欣賞 Provence 地區的歷史建築及田園, 第二, 到蔚藍海岸享受康城, 尼斯等地的陽光海灘. 如兩樣一齊做, 會不夠時間的
於南法去聖米切爾山, 必須經過巴黎. 可先到巴黎後再安排一天遊
以上是少少建議, 看看是否合用吧
2007-03-14 1:45 am
Well... Excluding all the travel time, it looks like you will have plenty of time around each region/city... But not to forget that to travel between some of these regions would require like 4~6hours of travel, so it could be a little bit tight for some places... For example, you are planning to visit Wales then Scotland, but they are actually at 2 end of the country... And that the travel time would be quite long...
So what I would suggest is maybe to cut out either Wales or Scotland from you plan... Then have 4days in London+University area, then to have a 3Days visit at either Wales or Scotland, not both.. And it seems OK for the other places as well... But I would suggest you to have a look at the transport between these cities first before finalise your plan of lenght of staying at cities, as that you may find that you have far less time than you expected after deducting the travel time required between cities...

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