
2007-03-13 11:32 pm

多謝你的答案, 但係係邊道有得買? 同可以用幾多分鐘?

回答 (4)

2007-03-14 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

第一,Tu-ka唔再有 pre-paid phone或用完即棄電話,月費電話已停止接受新客户,因為Tu-ka將於明年结束。

第二,日本再冇Vodafone,Vodafone日本已給Softbank 收購了一段時闊了。

現在日本已沒有一次性的mobile電話,只有Softbank出的prepaid phone,電話是要分開買的,充值卡分3,000円及5,000円。電話只有幾款選擇,但一般都係賣呢款,好似要7000円:


基本上,由於用pre-paid phone犯案日增,日本方面從去年四月份加強pre-paid phone的監控,買pre-paid phone要登記,外國人買要有Registration card no.,Registration card 並不是遊客的入國卡,而且短期滯在90天內(即遊客)的外國人不可登記。

但日本人都有時陽奉陰違,你到成田機場,找 Softbank counter (Terminal 1 及 2都有),話買prepaid phone,佢會賣畀你,仲同你登記埋,不過你要填酒店地址但不能寫酒店名稱。要買 prepaid phone 要喺機場買,別的Softbank shop大部份都唔會賣畀冇Registration card 嘅外國人。

話費方面,本地call ¥2/分鐘。IDD香港分繁忙同非繁忙,繁忙65円/分鐘,非繁忙36円/分鐘。增值卡可去7仔買。

Softbank prepaid的儲值自增值日起有效期三個月,而三個月後到一年期間,只要增值prepaid phone 便繼續有效,冇充值一年之後電話冇效,再用同一個電話要重新登記。但並非上面所講無啦啦會叫你confirm住址。
參考: 我買了個Softbank Prepaid Phone
2007-03-14 8:15 am
as other comments have mentioned, you can buy pre-paid phones in Japan. Tuka & Softbank both offer pre-paid or stored-value type phones (btw, there is no more Vodaphone in Japan, as they either sold or merged to Softbank).

One thing you need to bear in mind is that the phones costs anywhere from ~ 6000yen to more than 13000yen+ for cameraphones. Some of the phones come with credit so you can use it right away, while others require you to purchase a prepaid card of 3000yen to 5000yen credit which is deducted as you make calls.

Good thing about having a japan phone is that, 1) no charge when you are receiving calls, 2) local calls are much cheaper than roaming.

disadvantage to purchasing a japan phone is that, 1) most requires you to show a resident's or student visa, as well as a local home address bc they are technically not supposed to sell the phones to tourists or visitors who don't have a long-stay visa, and 2) even if you are able to purchase a phone, after a period of time they will require you to show proof of residency in Japan. If you cannot provide proof, you phone is no longer usable, and 3) prepaid service may not allow nation-wide use, and the stored value of the prepaid card only lasts 6 months. If you do not charge up the value after 6 months, you phone cannot be activated again.

I have a japan phone, and it used to be very helpful and cost-saving when I travel to Japan. Nowadays even if you don't subscribe to a 3-G phone plan, you just need to have a 3G phone, and your HK phone is automatically connected and usable in Japan - even with roaming charges, unless you really talk a lot, in most cases it is actually cheaper for you to use a HK 3G phone in Japan, instead of having to buy a Japan cell phone or rent one from your HK mobile phone service provider.
2007-03-14 12:16 am
日本手機製造商Tuka和Vodafone分別為旅日人士推出預付式手提電話(prepaid phone),只要在日本出一部手機,你便可隨時打本地及長途電話、check e-mail、上日文網,一機便知天下事。你在香港的親戚朋友也可隨時聯絡到你。



參考: me+東京Fun
2007-03-13 11:57 pm
我最近看過本地雜誌, vodafone日本有出售預繳性的電話, 大約300多港

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