
2007-03-13 10:59 pm


回答 (3)

2007-03-14 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
zozotown 係一個online shopping website. 佢係冇門市. 以我所知, 只有喺日本住的人在可以買到, 唔for國外人.

但係如果你對佢哋d fashion/brand 有興趣, 可以去新宿, 涉谷, 原宿, 南青山, 及青山區...等地shopping. 有d brand更可以喺百貨公司內搵到( e.g. 0101, 01City).

希望lee d資料幫到你.
參考: myself
2007-03-14 8:22 am
like the others have mentioned, there is no actual ZoZotown. However, you will find most of the shops listed under the ZoZotown website to have branches in Tokyo's Shibuya, Harajuku, Ikebukuro districts.

The key brands shown in Zozotown are United Arrows, Beams, etc... If these are the brands you're looking for, you will definitely find them in all 3 of the districts I've listed above, as well as in Shinjuku. For Porter bags, you'll also find them in Tokyu Hands -- the Porter/Kurachika shop in Harajuku is not easy to find, and the hours they open are kind of strange, so I suggest you go to Tokyu Hands (either in Shibuya, or Ikebukuro).
2007-03-14 12:43 am

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