Annual Leave

2007-03-13 10:54 pm
My new company said I could enjoy [ two weeks non-accumulative annual leave, incorporating two saturdays and sundays ]

Does that mean after completion of 1-year service to this company, I am entitled to have 14 days annual leave? What is the meaning of incorporating two saturdays and sundays?

Thank you.

星期六都當一日annual leave扣我可以接受, 但星期日本來就是 public holidays, 可以強迫我當作annual leave 放假架咩? 咁計落實際只得 12 天?

回答 (4)

2007-03-13 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After you work in this company for a year, you can have 2 weeks holiday, including 2 Saturdays and 2 Sundays (two whole weeks)
That means, you can have only 10 / 12 days annual leave (because sundays are always public holiday, and if your company is 5-day working, saturdays are always holiday as well)
Your holiday cannot bring to the coming year. If you don't take the holiday, it will be cancelled.
Incorporating two saturdays and sundays = including two Saturdays and Sundays

2007-03-13 10:59 pm

2007-03-13 15:03:05 補充:

2007-03-13 15:30:57 補充:
星期六都當一日annual leave扣我可以接受, 但星期日本來就是 public holidays, 可以強迫我當作annual leave 放假架咩? 咁計落實際只得 12 天? .......................係咁架,其實你公司已經俾多左你架,第一年勞工例係得7日之麻,你扣埋星期六、日都有10日架,算ok啦。
參考: 自己
2007-03-13 10:58 pm
[ two weeks non-accumulative annual leave, incorporating two saturdays and sundays ] means you have in total 14 days annual leave within which there are 2 saturdays and 2 sundays, i.e 10 weekdays, 2 saturdays, 2 sundays.
2007-03-13 10:58 pm
Yes !

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