Humans are born equal

2007-03-13 9:02 pm
唔該....我又有debate啦...題目係" Humans are born equal"
我係做正方..唔知有咩ponits同example呢..? 要英文

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
in case your opponent target you with human are not born equal because different racial group have different average cranial size. example is, scientist back in 19th century used such data to create scientific racism, but the minor change in cranial size has nothing to do with intelligence. <- you might want to look up more research to support such data.

2) although some groups of people (such as minority groups) are less industrialized than other big cities, but their culture are respectful. <-- support data on different culture

3) it is known that human are all evolve from the same homo erectus (support data), (i can't remember which exact period) that such species migrate through out to europe and asia from africa.

i hope these will help. but you surely need more supporting data.
2007-03-13 9:11 pm
Use figures and facts


1. All humans are born with on average 1.83 arms
2. All humans are born with on average 1.71 legs
3. All humans are born with on average 1.16head
4. All humans are born with on average 9.78fingers

The inequal parts of us is only what we made after we are born. Therefore all humans are born equal.

Do you get what I mean la....

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