要預防,就要注意個人衛生,而患者應保持心境開朗,減少壓力,當唇瘡復發, 建議使用含aciclovir的產品,如Zovirax,加速復完時間,減低傳染的機會。
2007-03-15 00:43:45 補充:
Zovirax Cream 即係 適患療唇瘡膏,好多醫生都係開呢支藍色既可以上呢個website 睇下
2007-03-15 00:47:32 補充:
回應 Kinder出奇蛋 的錯誤 痱滋由細菌引起, 所以, 相關產品只有消炎作用而唇瘡則由病毒引起, aciclovir 才見效
2007-03-18 16:55:27 補充:
Kenalog in Orabase - Dental corticosteroids (kor-ti-ko-STER-oyds) are used to relieve the discomfort and redness of some mouth and gum problems. These medicines are like cortisone. They belong to the general family of medicines called steroids.
2007-03-18 16:57:12 補充:
Side Effects of This MedicineAlthough not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.Signs of infection or irritation such as burning, itching, blistering, or peeling not present before use of this medicine.
2007-03-18 16:57:38 補充:
To Michelle,What you use is not FOR cold sore, it only works in herpes sore. Please bear in mind that for medicine, it may heal other disease, but this applies to individual, not to ALL.
2007-03-18 16:57:49 補充:
If someone is infected with cold sore, the best solution is to apply cold sore cream, but not herpes sore cream.