
2007-03-13 5:50 pm

回答 (1)

2007-03-13 6:30 pm
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嘩~ 上面個位 "碩士級 1 級", 你都好過份喎!! 完全係copy and paste 我係呢度:
既答案, 仲連個句 "唔計Ingredients 有82個字" 都抄埋!!! 個句係因為發問者要求個約80字既食譜, 我就用word數下d字數!
雖然食譜我都係個網到搵, 但你好明顯係就係抄我啦, 仲要唔寫明個食譜既出處!!! 我寫到足架!!!!! 你係抄都抄埋佢丫!

法 式 燉 蛋


Creme Brulee

Ingredients : 150g Egg
280g Egg yolks
130g Sugar
500g Fresh cream
500 ml milk
1 stalk vanilla stick (remove the seed)

Method :
(1) Beaten the egg & egg yolk.

(2) Boil the fresh cream & milk. Then, add in the vanilla stick & cook for a while.
Then, add in ingredient (1) & sugar. Mix well & pour it into the bowl. Place
the bowl onto the oven tray with hot water underneath & bake at 150oC
for 45 mins. Cool down & fringe.
(3) Sprinkle with sugar on top of the creme burlee. Use the Bunsen burner to make
it golden. Ready to serve.

From: http://www.joycekitc hen.com/dessert/west ern-recipe/wh-67.htm

Classic Crème Brûlée

8 egg yolks
1/3 cup granulated white sugar
2 cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup granulated white sugar (for the caramelized tops)
Preheat oven to 300 degree F. In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is thick and pale yellow. Add cream and vanilla, and continue to whisk until well blended. Strain into a large bowl, skimming off any foam or bubbles.
Divide mixture among 6 ramekins or custard cups. Place ramekins in a water bath (large pan filled with 1 or 2 inches of hot water) and bake until set around the edges, but still loose in the center, about 50 to 60 minutes. Remove from oven and leave in the water bath until cooled. Remove cups from water bath and chill for at least 2 hours, or up to 2 days. When ready to serve, sprinkle about 2 teaspoons of sugar over each custard. For best results, use a small, hand-held torch to melt sugar. If you don't have a torch, place under the broiler until sugar melts. Re-chill custards for a few minutes before serving.

Serves 6

From: http://www.cremebrulee.com/creme.htm


Classic Creme Caramel



1 cup sugar, divided
3 whole eggs
3 egg yolks
2 cups milk, very warm
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, melt 1/2 cup sugar, stirring constantly, until golden brown. Remove from heat; immediately pour about 1 tablespoon into each of 6 (6-ounce size) custard cups. Set aside.
In a bowl, combine eggs, egg yolks, and remaining sugar; blend well. Gradually stir in the heated milk, then stir in the vanilla. Pour into prepared custard cups. Set cups in a large baking pan, place on the oven rack, then add very hot water to the pan, up to within about 1/2-inch of top of custard cups. Bake custard at 350° for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Remove cups from hot water right away. Cool for 5 to 10 minutes; gently and carefully loosen sides of custard with a narrow spatula then invert on serving plate. Drizzle and spoon any remaining caramel in cup over the custard.
Refrigerate and unmold to serve the creme caramel cold. Serves 6.

From: http://southernfood.about.com/od/custardrecipes/r/bl50909d.htm


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