請問有冇人聽過 James Cook University ?

2007-03-13 5:22 pm
請問有冇人係呢間學校讀過或者已經讀完? 呢間算是野雞大學嗎? 如果有人曾就讀呢間大學,我想問下易唔易讀呢? 或請提供一些唔好太差的大學給我?

回答 (2)

2007-03-13 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
James Cook University is not a very popular university in Australia. But i think it is not as bad as a 野雞大學. I think it is famous for its Marine Science Course .Are you planning to do your study in Queensland?

Here are the 10 most popular universities in Australia

University of NSW (Sydney)
University of Sydney (Sydney)
University of Melbourne (Melbourne)
Australia National University (Canberra)
University of Queensland (Queensland)
University of Western Australia (Perth)
University of Adelaide (Adelaide)
Monash University (Melbourne)
Macquarie University (Sydney)
University of Wollongong (Wollongong)

These are for your references only, and it is really depends on what your are studying and where you are going to stay.
參考: I have been living in Australia for 18 yrs
2007-03-14 12:24 am
Autually I was graduated from James Cook University in Sydney Australia. 其實整間 James Cook University 並唔太差, 在總校 Queensland 都幾出名的~ 不過當然其他分校如悉尼、墨爾本、carins, singapore 同香港既分校總係冇總校咁好啦!!

當然, 讀總校就最好啦! 哈哈~ 並唔係野雞大學~ 請放心~

我以前是在悉尼讀 business 的, major 係 internatioanl tourism, d老師都唔差架! 哈哈~

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