
2007-03-13 2:58 pm
另外,我有一親屬在美國(我其中一個表姐在美國), 但沒有美藉女友, 是否根本沒有可能移民美國?


回答 (1)

2007-03-13 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Family Immigration
A lawful permanent resident is a foreign national who has been granted the privilege of permanently living and working in the United States. If you want to become a lawful permanent resident based on the fact that you have a relative who is a citizen of the United States or is a lawful permanent resident, your relative in the U.S. will need to sponsor you and prove he/she has enough income or assets to support you, the intending immigrant(s) when in the United States. For an overview of the types of immigrant visas available under immigration law, please see Immigrant Visa Classifications on the USCIS Website. Your relative sponsor and you, the intending immigrant, must successfully complete certain steps in the immigration process in order to come to the U.S. Here are the key steps:
First, the USCIS must approve an immigrant visa petition, I-130 Petition for Alien Relative filed by your sponsoring relative for you. Next, most sponsors will need to demonstrate adequate income or assets to support the intending immigrant, and accept legal responsibility for financially supporting their family member, by completing and signing a document called an Affidavit of Support. Once this is complete, then the intending immigrant will apply for the immigrant visa as explained below.
DV Program
The Congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program makes available 50,000 permanent resident visas annually, drawn from random selection among all entries to persons who meet strict eligibility requirements from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.
Please Note: There have been instances of fraudulent websites posing as official U.S. Government sites. Some companies posing as the U.S. Government have sought money in order to "complete" lottery entry forms. There is no charge to download and complete the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form. The Department of State notifies successful Diversity Visa applicants by letter, and NOT by email. To learn more see the Department of State Warning and the Federal Trade Commission Warning .

As you apply to come to the U.S., please take a moment to visit our Rewards For Justice program website to see how you can help in the continuing efforts for "secure borders" and "open doors."
工作移民的資料實在太多, 沒可能post在這裡; 你自己的事都唔願花時間去睇就沒辦法了.... 但簡單來說, 是要找一家美國公司肯聘請你到美國工作, 然後幫你申請埋移民, 但當中有著很多的條件和條例... 因為佢要做你的擔保人...

2007-03-13 15:39:49 補充:
有朋友曾辦移民, 要見移民官, 他們會要求你自己用英文對答的..

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