
2007-03-13 8:56 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-16 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is David Beckham and this is my story<---------我係碧咸, 呢個係我ge 故事
I still look back to `98<-----------回想返98世界盃
Of course I wish it hadn't have happened<------------當然我希望果件事從無發生過
How I sort of reacted as a young boy, I think I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes literally<------------我好幼稚咁為左呢件事喊左五分鐘....好似有十分鐘
I was having death threats<-----------我受過死亡恐嚇
I never felt safe for 3.5 years<---------------足足過左三年半ge恐懼生活
It can knock a person down so much that they just go under<------------------果時我完全崩潰....諗過放棄
After I scored the goal against Greece<---------------我用一腳罰球踢走希臘果一刻
All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me<------------幾年來從未手下留情ge記者都為我歡呼鼓掌
To have that from the harshest critics<----------能夠從批評中嬴返尊嚴
That for me was a huge thing<-------係我生命中絶對係一件大事
You will go through tough times<----------你總會有低潮
It's about coming through them<-----------只在乎你點樣去跨過
2007-03-13 12:22 pm



You will go through tough times.
It's about coming through that.

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