我拒絕左個女仔 (因為我知佢唔鐘意我)之後,,,

2007-03-13 8:55 am
之前我同佢個女仔示愛 佢一直拖住我冇示意... 最後我忍唔住算啦 我知你唔鐘意我
你以後msn 唔會再見到我 你刪我啦 以後我唔會再找你
我:唔好啦 廢事監介 佢就再無add我番學果陣 我都避開佢
但係2個月後 我考完試....
佢又add番我...問我考成點 我講到咁絕 2個月後 ...佢又同我講咪d 無聊野 咩意思-3-


回答 (5)

2007-03-13 9:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你真係好蠢!!! 今日唔鍾意你. 唔代表明天唔鍾意你. 感情可以慢慢陪養的.
我之前個女朋友 連 電話都唔肯講. 約親都唔出黎.. 死口都話 我唔會鍾意你 我唔鍾意short過我既人的. 你唔係我鍾意個d類型.
最後煲左2個幾月. 態度 180c 轉變.
女仔 話唔鍾意你. 只係唔想你煩佢 (或者自己未肯定感覺, 你諗下, 如果佢 有小小鍾意你. 未至於 想同你一齊. 咁答你鍾意. 之後點拒絕你? )
但如果佢唔想你煩佢. 佢就連朋友都唔同你做啦
呢d野. 你情我願, 有咩話尷尬的.
咪傻! 比d耐性啦 (如果你真係好鍾意佢)
有d女仔 好識心計. 佢自己鍾意你. 但係唔會咁易同你一齊
因為太容易一齊. (証明唔到你誠意/有幾鍾意佢)
佢會覺得冇安全感. 你遇到小小事就放棄. 最失望個個可能係佢添
2007-03-13 3:57 pm



參考: personal philosophy
2007-03-13 9:42 am
To be fair, if there has been found any person who would like to play the game and pretending to like/love you. Please do not waste your time for this one. My opinion is "Like the situation within the Bus-Stop,When you miss one and just take the other one. Straight to the point, may be there is one nice girl awaiting for you somewhere..
No Fear for the future..Be brave and not to be manipulated by someone else..

Hope to Help...Thanks..
2007-03-13 9:10 am
Just be brave and tell her that she can only be your girlfriend but nothing else. Tell her that you don't want to be friends if you know your relationship with her is not going anywhere.

Some girls like to have a company and like the attention from boys. I think she is not interested but she just wants you to keep her company. Don't waste any more time with her if she just wants to be friend. She knows how you feel and I think she is just playing the game.

Ignore her and move on. I think you sound like a decent person, you deserve someone better. Good luck!
2007-03-13 9:03 am
點會連朋友都唔做=.= "人好多野...一時一樣架啦=.=

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