
2007-03-13 8:21 am
whoever wants to spilt away will become a criminal in history一句從報章擇下來


回答 (2)

2007-03-13 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
wants to spilt away 係describe 緊 whoever.
所以 "whoever wants to spilt away " 成個先係 subject
咁 will become 就係 verb in future tense.
a criminal in history 就係 object, in history 係describe 緊criminal.

所以S+V+O, 完完整整無問題=].

教文法的網站, 你在yahoo 打 english grammar 會找到吧=]
2007-03-13 9:05 am
Following the Rule for " Subject" + " Verb" +" Object"

for simple complete Sentence

Subject ==> whoever wants to spilt away

Verb ===> will become (future Tense)

Object ===> a criminal in history..

Hope can help...Thanks..

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