
2007-03-13 6:46 am
想問吓'卡夫'忌廉芝士開盒後可否放在冰箱? 如可以, 可放多久? 或可有其他方法保存?

回答 (3)

2007-03-14 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
不建議放冰箱 (Freezer), 雪櫃 (refrigerator) 就最適當. 特別係一盒, spreadable 個隻, 放左入冰箱 d 質地會唔同左, 就算溶番雪都唔好. 一磚的就可以.
建議放係攝氏4度, 未開既可以保存到過左最佳食用日期後一個月, 開左既就放10日至兩星期好喇~
From Kraft:

Can I freeze cream cheese?
We do not recommend freezing cheese that will be used for spreading due to a possible change in its texture; it may become curdled in appearance and have a crumbly texture. Regular brick cream cheese can be frozen up to 2 months for use as an ingredient in recipes.

How long can I keep cream cheese in my refrigerator?
Under normal refrigerator conditions of 40 degrees (即攝氏4度) at all times, an unopened package of cream cheese is good 1 month past the Best When Purchased By date on the carton. Once opened cream cheese should be used within 10 days.

What is the correct way to store Cream Cheese?
Cream Cheese should be stored under normal refrigerator temperatures of 40 degrees at all times; return to the refrigerator immediately after serving or using. Our products are good 1 month past the code date if unopened, but should be used within 10 days after opening. To store, re-wrap in the original packaging plus additional wrap if necessary. We do not recommend storing or displaying the product out of refrigeration. Do not ship Cream Cheese by Mail.
2007-03-13 6:55 am
放下層冰箱較好, 隋時解凍用也可, 記得用保鮮紙包好, 大约可多放兩至三星期, 如儲存太久會不新鮮
參考: 自己
2007-03-13 6:55 am

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