
2007-03-13 6:39 am

to alien3333 首先多謝答我... 可能我自己同男仔玩得好埋...so,,覺得if 做女朋友既連add異性朋友同見面個d都唔俾呢,,覺得好唔知點....咁樣好似係太多疑,唔信自己男朋友 仲有..我唔成熟架,,我俾男仔話我有時有d野蠻,,所以我先問...有時悶..要人地陪到好夜先制..我想改變...

回答 (1)

2007-03-13 11:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
野蠻既女朋友 are those ladies who have bad temper, emotional explosion any time she like, hitting bf, kicking bf, ask bf to die ... ask bf to do anything unreasonable.
唔俾男朋友掂其他女仔? is very normal, it is not 野蠻
唔俾男朋友add其他女仔?? also is ok, and normal, since YOU care about him being captured by another lady, ... but you need to have a common agreement, some bf, still like to have some lady friend. But respect BF's idea on lady friends.
Bf cannot flirt with other lady.
Bf cannot over-helping other lady.
Bf cannot hug or kiss other ladies in romantic way ...
Bf needs to report where he is at least 2 times a day ...
those are very normal, and most bf will follow ...
good luck
參考: I like you ask the question, it meant you are a mature lady and care about the relationship

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