入大學面試 用英文介紹自己 (2min) [20分]

2007-03-13 6:04 am
入大學面試 用英文介紹自己 (2min)
我個名叫xxx,讀緊yy中學,我係澳門住,所以會繼續留在澳門進修讀大學......(之後就唔識用英文作), 要2min講完,生字唔洗太難,作左英文最好有埋中文俾我對照,急要,謝謝...

tinhoi8899 有冇中文解釋? 我想對照下,唔該您

回答 (2)

2007-03-13 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is XXX, studied in XXX college from year 200X to 2007. I am living in Macau , so I will continue to study here.My pastime is readng scientific magazines and stamp collecting .I also like to share my point of view in newspaper .Furthermore , I cooperate with people very well and is out going too. This was shown by my active participation in extra curricular actvities, such as the group leader and the chairman of the Science Society. I often played an important role in doing group project., and commumnicate with the members very well. My favourite subject is English language, by learning to skills of usage , I can gaiin a great deal in working and study, of how to organize data and articles.
2007-03-13 6:26 am
My name is XXX, studied in XXX college from year 200X to 2007. I am living in Macau , so I will continue to study here.My pastime is readng scientific magazines and stamp collecting .I also like to share my point of view in newspaper .Furthermore , I cooperate with people very well and is out going too. This was shown by my active participation in extra curricular actvities, such as the group leader and the chairman of the Science Society. I often played an important role in doing group project., and commumnicate with the members very well. My favourite subject is English language, by learning to skills of usage , I can gaiin a great deal in working and study, of how to organize data and articles.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 22:42:24
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