who know the name of all the brothers of Joseph?

2007-03-13 5:15 am
Joseph is who's in the Bible , his brothers mean the 12 sons of Jacob(Israel).If u know please tell me or answer me.

.>w<. by JKI >3<

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2007-03-13 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Jacob had twelve sons:

The sons of Leah:
Reuben the firstborn of Jacob,
Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun.

The sons of Rachel:
Joseph and Benjamin.

The sons of Rachel's maidservant Bilhah:
Dan and Naphtali.

The sons of Leah's maidservant Zilpah:
Gad and Asher.
These were the sons of Jacob, who were born to him in Paddan Aram.
參考: Genesis 35:22-26

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